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8.4 Completeness of Survey

The frequency function of apparent diameters for the DDO dwarfs is as follows:

phi     16'     8'     4'     3'     2'     1'.5   1'.0
n 1 6 8 12 29 46 120
N = sum n     1     7     15     27   56   102     222

A plot of log N versus log phi approximates closely the N propto phi-3 distribution expected for a statistically uniform space density in the range 11' < phi < 20', but falls off rapidly for phi < 10'. Either incompleteness begins at phi = 10' or there is a local excess of dwarfs associated with the Local Group. The seven largest DDO dwarfs (phi geq 8'.0) are listed in Table 9: six (DDO 008, DDO 074, DDO 199, DDO 208, DDO 209, DDO 221) are in the Local Group and one (DDO 081) is in the M81 group.


DDO phi Delta (Mpc) phi(kpc)

DDO 008 = IC 1613 15'.0 0.66 3.1
DDO 074 = Leo I 8'.5 0.23 0.6
DDO 081 = IC 2574 11'.5 2.5 8.5
DDO 199 = UMi 20'.0 0.08 0.5
DDO 208 = Draco 8'.0 0.06 0.14
DDO 209 = NGC 6822 12'.5 0.50 1.8
DDO 221 = WLM 11'.0 0.87 2.8

If the smallest DDO dwarfs (phi = 1'.0) have the same mean linear diameter phibar = 2.5 kpc as the seven above, the limiting range of the survey is Delta appeq 8.5 Mpc on the average; half the total (phi appeq 1'.5) is within an average range of 5.5 Mpc. However, the range of linear diameters is large (8.5-0.14 kpc or a 60-1 ratio in the first seven), and the range of the survey in depth is necessarily indefinite.

For a survey of dwarf galaxies in the Virgo cluster, see Reaves (1956).

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